![I Created A Perfect ChatGpt SEO Article In 45 Minutes - [Make $77.50 An Hour]](https://affiliateempirebuilder.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/created-a-perfect-chatgpt-seo-article-in-45-minutes-make-77-50-an-hour-FivLaM6t5bA-796x445.jpg)
here is a full turotial on how to create seo articles in chatgpt to rank with seo on google and actually make money… this is not a “create 1000 articles in an hour type thing” we are creating good content that people will actually want to read… and i show you the full tutorial process and how to pass ai detection.
https://www.downloadmynotes.com to see the notes and actual article example… its starting to rank already.
this is a step by step process to getting content that you can sell on fiverr, freelance websites, ect… just make sure you disclose that you are using human assisted AI content and using chatgpt.
to learn more about how this works:
I Found The Perfect ChatGPT Prompt Formula To Make Money Online!
I Made $19k This Week Selling Chatgpt Ai Content… [Crazy Success Story]
NEW Bing Chatbot Will Make You Money For Free
watch this at least one time all the way thru… its that important.
subscribe and binge watch my money videos 🙂
please note: this is not to endorse or talk good or bad about the warrior forum, jvzoo, or any platform… it was just a topic i needed for my blog.
REMEMBER: watching this training is in NO WAY saying you will earn any money. there is a lot of work involved and marcus has been at this for over 23 years… but what you can expect is real world information on how he runs his business and how he has helped others do the same.